Are You a Good Candidate for Crown Lengthening?

The periodontists at Idaho Perio Center for Dental Implants & Laser Periodontal Therapy perform crown lengthening in Boise, ID, for both restorative and cosmetic purposes. Patients who undergo crown lengthening for restorative purposes typically do not have strong enough tooth structure to support a dental crown.

Our periodontists place dental crowns due to severe tooth decay, hairline fractures, and other dental diseases or injury types. In this case, crown lengthening is to provide extra support for the tooth, so your dentist can place a crown on top of it.

Crown lengthening for appearance purposes

Some people have what they call a gummy smile, which means that they show more gum tissue than teeth when they smile. Adjusting the gum tissue allows for more of the teeth to appear above the gum line.

What to Expect During a Crown Lengthening Procedure

You will receive anesthesia at the start of the appointment to ensure that you remain comfortable until your dentist has completed the procedure. You may also receive a sedative to help you feel sleepy and relaxed. The periodontist working with you cuts your gums to pull them away from your teeth. The cuts expose the bones and roots of your teeth.

Next, your periodontist washes the surgical area before stitching your gums back together. After suturing your gums, your periodontist places a bandage over the surgical area to help it heal and protect it from infection. We will send you home with a prescription for pain relief because you will feel discomfort once your anesthesia wears off.

Contact Us to Learn More

Could crown lengthening in Meridian ID be the right procedure for you? Please reach out to request an initial appointment with one of our periodontists today.